Dead All Along: As hinted at throughout the game, and finally revealed in the ending, the real Mia was last seen by Jake on a ventilator in a hospital in Brazil, with the Mia that he's been interacting with the whole game being a hallucination inside his head. Daylight Horror: You're just as likely to die of dehydration or starvation or disease, be poisoned by deadly snakes or spiders, or eaten by a Jaguar in the middle of the day as you are at night. Played completely straight with the water near Jakes tent, the only area in the game with perfectly clean water. Drinking unsafe water does have a negative effect, but its never anything worse than a couple of intestinal parasites, whose only detriments are draining your nutrients slightly faster and can be immediately cured by red mushrooms or soursop fruit, and theres also a chance that drinking unsafe water wont have any effect at all note In reality, drinking unsafe water from a tropical area like the Amazon would result in much more serious illnesses like leptospirosis, schistosomiasis, and amoebic dysentery, diseases that would otherwise require medical attention and thus would be disastrous in a survival situation. Cool, Clear Water: Downplayed with the water in this game. identifies them as Waraha Warriors after you kill one. Chased by Angry Natives: Mysterious skull-painted warriors have appeared in the area near the Yabahuaca village, and prove to be hostile towards you. They're long gone by the time you arrive, but you can raid their camps for supplies and use their facilities.
The Cartel: A drug cartel apparently had a cocaine processing camp and an illegal gold mine operating in the area where you are.Bottomless Bladder: You have to manage your protein, carbs, fats, water, and sleep, but never have to actually worry about using the toilet.Plant a few banana trees and nuts in the ground near the water and you have a place you can count on to stock up on consumables. Any excess can be hung on the drying rack and left to cure. Bait the traps with maggots, spiders, and scorpions, then leave to do other things and come back later to discover a bounty of fresh, delicious protein. Put a drying rack under a simple roof, and set fish traps and cage traps in the water. Boring, but Practical: Set up a camp near a river.
Green hell water skin#
Body Horror: Everything from leeches regularly attaching to your limbs, to worms burrowing under your skin and forming a writhing bulge if you fall asleep on the ground.Jake and Mia's spirit share their last goodbyes before Mia fades away and a plane is seen flying across the sky.
Bittersweet Ending: In the "good ending", Mia is revealed to have been Dead All Along following the events at the airstrip, but Jake has found the cure for the disease and will be rescued and returning to civilization.
Baby See, Baby Do: Occasionally when you find a lost Yabahuaca child, you can hear them sing the Wahara natives' song. Author Avatar: The art designer and top-billed credit for "game concept" is Creepy Jar employee Kryzsztof Kwiatek. However, he has thankfully been long dead and the only thing thats left of him are his skeletal remains, his voice recordings, and his grappling hook. Asshole Victim: Alvarez is quite the unpleasant Jerkass, blaming Jake for the formers freak accident and cursing him out, even going as far as to use Country Matters on Jakes then dying wife and threatening to kill Jake if he gets out of his situation. It may have been purposely left this way on the developer's part as an Anti-Frustration Feature, due to the long, grueling hassle of building shelters and otherwise limited amount of trees. Artificial Stupidity: Even if you leave a massive amount of evidence of invasive activity, like having a gigantic mud-mansion sticking out like a sore thumb in the jungle, having a bunch of trees torn down, or leaving a bunch of trash laying around, none of the natives will get suspicious and try to hunt you down and tear down your shelter just as long as you yourself stay completely out of their sight. Story progression gates are unlocked as thresholds of trust are reached. Treating the wounds of scattered injured hunters, freeing the women who've been taken captive, escorting fled children back to the village, tearing down Waraha war camps, and returning certain trophies and artefacts to the Mu'agi all help to build that trust. Alliance Meter: In Spirts of Amazonia, Jake must gain the trust of the Mu'agi village, the progress of which he records on a journal tab.