
Microcosm lord of the flies
Microcosm lord of the flies

This is not only one case on an island deserted and desolate but can be seen throughout in influential people that make the rulings that change the future and manipulate the past of the world. Jack represents the Id as shown on page seventy-three, “I cut the pig’s throat”, Ralph the Ego verified on page seventeen, “He’s not Fatty! He’s Piggy!”, and Simon the Superego displayed on page fifty-seven, “…Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach…”. Primarily, Sigmund Feud theorized the mind consists of the Id which is driven by pleasure, the Ego which functions according to the reality principle, and Superego which operates according to the moral principle that unitedly influences our behaviour. To begin, whether the battle is for the boy-king of an island or a conflict between virtually every part of the world, both events don’t just share a timeline they also share personality types clearly illustrated by Ralph and Jack: the antagonist and protagonist. It is exhibited through Ralph and Jack’s conflict, the symbolism of Ralph’s group representing the Allies and Jack’s group the Axis, as well as Golding’s personal history with World War 2. In William Golding’s novel, microcosm is illustrated between the mentally troubled boys and the real world. The novel follows the characters Ralph who is blessed in looks but not brains, Piggy who is intelligent but ignored, Simon who is conscientious but contemned, and Jack who is malicious but minimized whilst they wistfully dream of pasts that are no more while waiting for salvaging from the satanic island turning them all savage alongside their accomplices. The story in a book is humble and serviceable, available, friendly, is not switched on and off but taken up and put down, lasts a lifetime.” William Golding said this in his lecture for his Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983 after writing several pieces including the Lord of the Flies novel which was published in 1954.

microcosm lord of the flies

“A novel ensures that we can look before and after, take action at whatever pace we choose, read, again and again, skip and go back.

Microcosm lord of the flies